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Memories That Mold Us

It was the summer of 1983. I was skinny then, only 21 years old...and so excited to be part of what was a historic trip for our little college and our denomination as well.

A small group of us was sent to Beijing China to study Chinese at Beijing University. While we knew our knowledge of this language would be limited after such a short time, we also wanted to create a cultural and spiritual exchange--a connection that would open other doors for years to come.

Actually, we learned an amazing amount of Chinese language and culture over about an 8 week timeframe. The little teacher, Mrs. Fu, standing next to me (back row, second from the left) was perhaps the greatest teacher I've ever known. Her energy and passion moved us to achieve things we never would have done on our own.

Recently, a group of us from that trip reconnected on Facebook to reminisce. So many memories flooded back as we shared online. What struck me is how many life-changing truths, ideas, joys and challenges came from this one trip/event.

So what memories will flow from what happens TODAY?

I believe every day has the potential to produce life-changing memories. Still, we probably need to focus on and believe this in order to be in a place to generate them. Some events naturally produce long-lasting ideas. Others may need some help. We may need to intentionally choose to do or say things that produce memories that are that powerful.

Maybe it's sharing something with a friend, giving something to a person in need, stepping out in faith to accomplish something you've been afraid to do, etc. Whatever it is, you choose to make it special and the memories just flow forward into your future.

So...let's make memories...good ones...memories that last based on the positive choices we select here and now!

To that end,

Pastor Joel

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