Pastors, Principles and Politics?
As I travel in this country, I've noticed a frightening trend. Pastors often avoid certain topics so that they won't appear "too...
An Undivided Life....
It's fashionable to compartmentalize life. Most of us have a series of little "boxes" that elements of life "fit into." The boxes help us...
To Each, His Own....
I Thessalonians 5:14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of...
Crucified Churches?
My new book, The Crucified Life, should be published within the next month or so. As such, I've been putting the final touches on it and...
Drawing Them In... Or, Sending Them Out?
The church growth movement brought many good things to the Body of Christ over the past 30 years or so. We learned to reemphasize...
My Dog Loves Me
Ever feel like nobody cares? I mean really--people are friendly, but does it seem like they truly don't care about what you think, feel,...
A Celebration of Conviction
We live in an age where conviction is considered a bad thing. I'm not talking about the conviction to do something nice. I'm talking...
Permission to say, "No!"
Working with pastors as a Field Shepherd with Standing Stone Ministry (, I see one common problem again and...
Pastors and Politics
A lot has been written and spoken recently about pastors and politics. Many, if not most people feel that these two things should be like...
What Jesus Said to Fear!
Jesus said some pretty radical things during his earthly ministry. One of them is found in Luke 12:4-5: “And I say to you, My friends,...