"Christian" Businesses...or, CHRISTIAN Businesses?
As I write this blog, I'm preparing for a speech I'll give at a local pub on "Faith in the Marketplace." Knowing the most in the audience...
Why You DO...the Things You Do!
Most people have some behavior they're trying to change. It might be overeating, sexual sin, or some other issue. The problem is--we're...
It's NOT in Vain!
Sometimes, we think our efforts have been in vain…only to find out just the opposite. Years ago, our church had helped a prostitute get...
Mistaken Identity
Over the years, I’ve been told that I look and sound like John Maxwell. Never was this more true than the time I called a new pastor...
Common Sense...Isn't Actually, Common!
We were visiting Yosemite National Park a few years ago and witnessed a mama grizzly bear with two cute cubs running through the woods...