No Good Deed Goes Unpunished?
I volunteered one winter to ring the bell and collect donations for

the Salvation Army. It was a bitterly cold and extremely windy night. I stood just outside the door of a local Stop-n-Shop and many people would drop in change, etc.
Once lady dropped in a dollar or so and as she was walking away, a violent gust of wind whipped the sign off its legs and slammed it into her back. She yelped and stumbled, but didn’t fall. I rushed to help her and she was very gracious about it all.
As my pastor friend used to say, “No good deed goes unpunished."
Often, life seems to treat us that way. We do good, but we get whacked in the head. We try to be kind, but our met with judgement, condemnation, or worse. It's not fair...but is it final?
What I mean is, while this life can be unjust, unfair, and hurtful; is this all there is? Is this the "final answer?"
As a Christian, I firmly believe that the answer to that is a resounding, "No!" Still, the future isn't just life--it's also reward. Notice what Jesus said in Matthew 5, "11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
In fact, the Bible literally contains dozens of references to rewards. God is good...faithful...and loves to reward those who seek Him (Heb 11:6). I believe we can trust Him to do this--in this life, or if not, in Heaven.
So keep fighting Christian warriors! Your Father sees all and will bless you....
To that end,
Pastor Joel