Are You Whole 4 Life?
Several years ago, I co-authored a book with Dr. Glenn Sunshine and Dr. Mels Carbonnel entitled, "Whole 4 Life." It's still available on Amazon or via. my website, The purpose of the book was to help people understand the four quadrants that make us unique as people.
Why is that important?
Jesus said that the most important command was that we love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). If we can't understand and assess ourselves in these areas, how are we to obey that command. Furthermore, if we fail in this, how can we ever find fulfillment in life?
The good news is that we CAN understand and assess ourselves with regard to heart, soul, mind, and strength; or as we put it in the book, "Passion, Person, Perception, and Power!" While the book goes into this at a deeper level, let me briefly define these and challenge you to look closely at each one in your own life:
* HEART/PASSION: What motivates you and inspires you to action? Is it other people, achievement--especially difficult challenges, influence or leadership, etc.? What are you doing to feed that passion to fulfill your calling in life?
* SOUL/PERSON: What personality type are you? What spiritual gifts do you have? What makes you unique and how are you using that to serve God and others?
*MIND/PERCEPTION: What is your daily thought life like? Are you generally a negative person or positive? Do you filter ideas and thoughts through God's Word or are you more inclined to accept those thoughts "at face value?"
*STRENGTH/POWER: How is your physical health? Are you taking care of your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit? What is your diet, exercise, and sleep pattern like on an average day? Are you using your physical talents and abilities for God's glory or your own. What natural abilities do you have that have been "on the shelf" instead of being used to serve others?
I'd encourage you to give each of these some thought. The book may help and I am, as always, available to coach and discuss these if you so desire.
To that end,
Pastor Joel