Communication: The Key to Leading Change!
On the heels of a major doctrinal transformation with the Worldwide

Church of God, taking a position with a small Baptist Church seemed easy…
...Or, so I thought!
What followed was another 7 year transition capped-off by a three-way merger. Whew! In fact, the Baptist Church transition was tougher. I’ve said that getting Baptists to drop a Sunday PM service was harder than telling three congregations that everything they’d been taught for the past 50 years was bogus!
One leader was so upset, he basically made it his personal mission to oppose everything and anything I suggested. His wife was running around the church telling folks that he was the REAL pastor because, unlike me, he CARED about the members.
Wow…tough times.
But in the end, God gave victory. Today, that church is part of a much larger church of over 850 and we’ve planted another church of over 100 plus seen more than 500 baptized. The change was worth it…although painful at the time.
The key to making major changes in any organization is communication. And, it's not just that communication needs to be clear--it must connect! John Maxwell wrote a book several years ago entitled, "Everyone Communicates, Few Connect." I followed his lead two years ago with my book, "Communicate to Lead." Both books deal with the need to connect with the hearts and minds of those we speak to, write for, etc.
If you'd like to know more about how to improve your communication for the sake of leading change, visit our resource page and get a copy of "Communicate to Lead." You can also contact us with any questions/input.
Pastor Joel