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Live TV & Living Free

My fellow-pastor and broadcaster friend, Al Stewart had a baptism

of fire when he first went on live TV. His friend, the program producer, explained that when they counted down and the camera lights came on, they’d be live with no delay and no opportunity to edit. Al said he was OK with that. After a few minutes, at the top of the hour, the producer counted down and then opened, 5-4-3-2-“GOOD EVENING ALL!”

The host went through his opening comments, but quickly turned to Al. He said, “Normally, we’d have some news items and updates but I want to get right to our amazing guest tonight to give him as much time as possible. We welcome Pastor Al Stewart to the program tonight. And Al, I want you to share your astounding testimony. I want you to look straight into that camera and tell these wonderful people how the Lord delivered you from the scourge of homosexuality.”

The problem was…Al has never been gay. He was married and his wife was watching the show. Al stared at the camera for what seemed like eternity. He looked like a deer in headlights. Then, the producer fell over and starting laughing hysterically, followed by the rest of the crew and the host. They literally were crying, they laughed so hard.

They weren’t yet on the air—it was just a hoax.

Needless to say, it took Pastor Al some time to regain composure and even more time to feel comfortable returning to live TV, radio, etc. Yet, to his credit, he did and continues to broadcast to this day.

In my experience, traumatic experiences have two general results:

1. They cripple people and leave them filled with anxiety, fear, bitterness, suicidal thoughts, etc.


2. They hurt, but drive people to face those fears, overcome, and use the experience to produce levels of growth virtually unheard of by the rest of us.

Which best describes you and your experience when you've been hurt?

I think the good news is that we have a choice. We can turn to our Lord Jesus and His Word. We can understand our identity in Him and leverage that truth to break the strongholds of fear, anger, and other negative effects. Over the years, I have found wonderful results by having people read "Victory Over Darkness," and "The Bondage Breaker," both by Dr. Neil T. Anderson. I've then taken them through a process called "The Steps to Freedom in Christ," also designed by Dr. Anderson. If you'd like more information on this, please email or check out the "CT Community Freedom Ministry" tab at the website. You can also call us at 860-436-9216.

God wants you to live victoriously, like option #2 above...I pray that you will!

To that end,

Pastor Joel

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